2019 Emergency Kits
Each BAsic Kit Contains:
1 Rediroll
2 4" Vetwrap
1 3" Elastikon
1 6" brown gauze roll
3 Telfa pads
1 roll of duct tape
1 stethoscope
1 thermometer
1 pair bandage scissors
6 pairs of exam gloves
3 Animalintex pads
1 Betadine solution, 16oz
Our customizable kits can also include:
Bute paste
Banamine paste
Sterile saline
Chlorhexadine scrub
Silversulfadiazine cream, 1%, 25 gms
Saline solution, 250ml bottle
The price of the basic kit is $130. Please contact Equine Express Meds at 720-893-1118, email meds@equineexpressmeds.com or fill out our form below to discuss pricing on your customized kit or to place your order.
Fill out this form and we will be in touch with you shortly to confirm your order.